Ski Progress Ltd. registered in the Commercial Register with the Municipal Court in Brno publishes business terms and conditions with reference to Law 634/1992 Coll. on consumer protection.


Bussiness terms & conditions

Basic provisions

The following Business Terms and Conditions apply to the purchase of goods from the e-shop and

regulate the rights and duties between the seller and the purchaser.

By placing the order, the purchaser accepts these Business Terms and Conditions for the delivery of goods published

by the seller. The relationships between the seller and the purchaser are regulated by these Business Terms and

Conditions and are binding for both parties unless stated otherwise in the contractual agreement.

All and any disputes arising from these relationships of legal other nature shall be resolved in before general courts

of the Czech Republic

Subject Matter of the Contract

The subject matter of the contract is reserved solely for the goods explicitly stated in the Purchase Agreement

(placed order) unless negotiated otherwise between the seller and the purchaser.

Conclusion of Purchase Agreement, Contract

By placing the order, the purchaser confirms familiarity with these Business Terms and Conditions and agrees with

them. The order is a draft of the Purchase Agreement. The Purchase Agreement is validated by the purchaser after

the ordered goods are delivered and collected. The place for delivery is the delivery address specified by the

purchaser in the Order Form. The purchaser acquires the title to the product after the collection of the goods and

full payment for the delivery received.

Prices and Types of Payments

Prices of the goods are valid when the order is placed. The seller reserves the right to change prices when a change

in exchange rate occurs, inflation grows significantly or manufacturer and other supplier conditions change. The

purchaser acknowledges that Ski Progress Ltd. may not enter into the agreement, especially if the goods are

ordered by the purchaser for a price mistakenly quoted on the website due to an unintentional error. Purchase

price is considered paid after the full amount is credited to the seller’s bank account or to the delivery company in

the event of mail order. The goods remain the property of the seller unless paid in full by the purchaser.

Shipping fees, packing fees and mail order fees are excluded from the price of a good stated on the website and are

added before order completion.

The purchase price includes VAT specified on the e-shop website. The purchase price can be paid via bank account

transfer, PayPal payment, or collect on delivery (COD).

Delivery Date

Delivery interval begins the day the order is placed, provided all necessary details have been disclosed in order to

successfully complete the delivery. The seller obliges to ship the ordered goods, or provide them to the delivery

company, within 14 business days upon receiving the order. Delivery date will be postponed when affected by force

majeure or incidental events not directly in control of the seller.

In case the order goods are not in stock or the seller is unable to provide them to the delivery company within 14

business days upon receiving the order, the seller informs the purchaser about the anticipated date of delivery or

offers comparable goods. In this particular case, the seller will request the purchaser’s approval. Delivery date will

be postponed when affected by force majeure or incidental events not directly in control of the seller.

In case the order goods are not in stock or the seller is unable to provide them to the delivery company within 14

business days upon receiving the order, the seller informs the purchaser about the anticipated date of delivery or

offers comparable goods. In this particular case, the seller will request the purchaser’s approval. Delivery date is

considered fulfilled in a timely manner when the goods are ready for delivery at the specified place on the final day

of the agreed or additionally agreed delivery date. If the seller is unable to ship the ordered goods within 30 days, it is

required to credit the purchaser’s bank account with full amount for the completed order without postponement,

unless negotiated otherwise.


The goods in stock are shipped within 14 business days upon receiving the order via Czech Post, PPL or FedEx

parcel transportation. The shipment will be delivered to either the billing or shipping address as specified in the

Order Form by the purchaser. The purchaser is informed via e-mail that the order has been shipped. Delivery takes

place on business days during usual working hours of the Czech Post, PPL or FedEx parcel transportation on the

address specified in the order.


Warranty period begins the day the goods are delivered to the purchaser or other final consumer during sale. The

seller provides guarantee on quality of the good and completeness of order. The goods are delivered with a

warranty of at least 24 months. In case of defective goods upon delivery, the purchaser must inform the seller via

registered letter or in person in the seller’s registered office without postponement and within 3 business days after

the collection of goods.

Warranty claim must include date of delivery, name of the product, quantity, defect description and proposal on

the resolution of the claim. The seller is obliged to resolve the claim swiftly and within 30 days from the moment it

was accepted.

Return Policy

The purchaser has the right to withdraw from the distance contract within 14 days from the delivery of goods

without giving any reasons and subjection to sanctions in compliance with § 1829 of Law 89/2012 Coll. of Civil Code.

Though, this interpretation of law cannot be perceived as an opportunity for lending the goods free of charge. The

purchaser, when utilizing withdrawal from distance contract within 14 days, is obliged to return to the seller the

goods with all relevant aspects of the order acquired on the basis of that contract. If such scenario is no longer

possible, for example the goods incurred defects, partial wearing, or the return shipment is incomplete (lacking

warranty card, manual, cover etc.), the seller is entitled to a refund in compliance with § 1833 Law 89/2012 Coll. of

Civil Code in order to recover the goods to a pre-sale state. The seller’s reimbursement will be deducted from the

purchaser’s original claim. In theory, such reimbursement may equal the purchase price.

In case the seller did not supply the purchaser with relevant information in writing or using any other authorized

method, the withdrawal period prolongs to 3 months beginning with the collection of goods in compliance with §

1820 Law 89/2012 Coll. of Civil Code. Nevertheless, if the information is delivered to the purchaser, the 3 months

period ends and a new 14 day period commences.

The purchaser does not have the right to withdraw from the contract in following cases:

a) Contracts regarding the provision of services if performance of the contract, with purchaser’s agreement,

began during the initial 14 day period

b) Contracts regarding delivery of goods or services where prices are dependent on the volatility of financial

markets regardless of the will of the contractor

c) Contracts regarding the delivery of personalized goods and goods that are subjects of rapid decay,

wearing or disuse

The costs incurred in association with returning the goods from the purchaser to the seller are, in case of contract

withdrawal, borne by the purchaser.

The seller is obliged to return paid amount for the goods to the purchaser within 30 days from the contract


Personal Data Protection

The Seller processes the Buyer’s personal data in accordance with EU Regulation No. 2016/679 (hereinafter

referred to as “GDPR”) and the legislation of the Czech Republic.

The seller acts as a personal data controller. Personal data will be processed for the purpose of fulfilling the

contractual relationship between the Seller and the Buyer and for the purpose of direct marketing (especially the

sending of commercial communications). The legal reason for processing is the performance of the contract,

fulfillment of legal obligations and legitimate interest (direct marketing).

The Buyer’s personal data will be processed to the following extent: first and last name, registered office, email

address, telephone number, identification number and tax identification number.

The Seller has taken legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal data processed in such a way

that unauthorized or accidental access, alteration, destruction or loss, unauthorized transfers, their other unauthor-

ized processing and other misuse cannot occur and be all the obligations of the personal data processor ensuing

from legal regulations are ensured continuously during the processing of the data in terms of personnel and


The provision of personal data is both a legal and a contractual requirement.

Client’s personal data will be processed during the term of performance of the contract and legal deadlines.

Personal data will be processed electronically in an automated manner.

The Buyer has the right to request from the Seller access to his / her personal data pursuant to Article 15 of the

GDPR, correction of personal data pursuant to Article 16 of the GDPR, or limitation of processing pursuant to Article

18 of the GDPR. The User is entitled to delete personal data pursuant to Article 17 (1) (a). and (c) to (f) GDPR.

Furthermore, the user has the right to object to the processing pursuant to Article 21 of the GDPR and the right to

data portability pursuant to Article 20 of the GDPR. These rights may be exercised and any privacy concerns may be

sent to If the Buyer believes that his or her right to personal data protection has been violated, he /

she has the right to file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection (

The Seller uses so-called cookies in his presentation to improve the quality of services, personalize the offer, collect

anonymous data and for analytical purposes. By using the web interface, you agree to use the technology.