Eva Vychodilová, coordinator of the IMPULS foundation

IMPULS Foundation helps in the field of research and therapy of multiple sclerosis. Eva tried STAKI and answered some questions for us.

1) Did you learn to ski on Staki or did you get on them after an illness/injury?
I skied competitively, 3 years ago I had an accident while skiing and tore 3 ligaments and the meniscus in my knee. After the operation, I took up skiing again last year, and specifically on Staki, because I was afraid to get on classic skis. Staki helped me get back on normal skis.


2) How did you find out about Staki?
I learned about Staki skis thanks to the IMPULS Foundation, from Mrs. Helena, who is a regular participant in our marathon with MS.


3) What was your first impression/feeling when you rode Staki?
It was unusual, the main difference from normal skis was very easy handling.


4) Is there anything that surprised you during the ride?
At first, it was uncertainty due to the too easy turning and how light they are, but I quickly got used to the skis.


5) What is the main reason why you would recommend Staki to other users?
They will certainly help people after an injury or those with MS to get back on the slopes, they are easy to control and thanks to the feet, they brake easily.