Eva, skiing with Multiple Sclerosis

Eva has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at a young age and has been fighting this auto-aggressive disease for over 30 years

“For years, I have been trying not to give up and not to succumb to the fate. STAKI skies play an essential role in that and Im honestly glad I’ve met them. And I am pleased that someone has been interested in what I am doing, and I’m especially happy for your efforts to share my experience among similarly affected people. ”

Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis have turned Eva’s life upside down. 30 years ago, the treatment and therapeutic approach was completely different from today. Doctors recommended to limit the movement, rest, burden the body with unpleasant medication and maternity was forbidden to women with such a disease. That is why the physician’s verdict – that it is impossible to merge the treatment of MS and pregnancy – awoke a warrior in Eve, who refused to give up on her life dreams.

“I immediately decided that motherhood is important to me. It was hard to find a doctor, who would be willing to take responsibility for my pregnancy. I succeeded, my son was born, who is now 26 years old and then a daughter who graduated this year. ”




Life with MS does not mean that you must not or cannot do anything

Doctor tells you shocking diagnosis and there’s many questions going through your mind. What exactly does it entail? To what extend does the disease interfere with everyday life? Can I somehow influence the quality of my life, but also the disease process? Accompanying symptoms, such as high fatigue or motor disorders, are very exhausting for the patients. They can lead to demotivation, lack of interest illness obsession, which can result in depressive conditions that worsen the process of treatment. Treatment has many faces and the patient plays a crucial role here. Regular soul and body care helps patients to positively influence accompanying symptoms, eliminate stress and delay disability.

Since the beginning, Eva has an incredibly great support in her family, and therefore she wasn’t about to give up the fight against her illness.


Sports activities and movement are the most important for MS patients

For Eva, the movement and sports are a pleasant physical rehabilitation, as family cross-country trips in the snowy mountains have always filled her with fresh energy. But the disease began to take its toll and Eva had to say goodbye to some of her favourite activities.


And how did Eva meet Staki skis?

Fifteen years ago, I involuntary put cross-skis away and learned how to ski. Because of the worsening illness I started to have a problem with skis as well, I just couldn’t handle them on the slope. It was pretty exhausting. Six years ago, I put STAKI skies on for a first time. During a promo day, Mrs. Peterkova literally forced me to try. I rode the cableway up and tested the straight surface carefully. I didn’t believe my legs at all and said: “I can’t, I’ve no idea how you gonna get me down!” Suddenly I was riding down the slope and those skis were  exactly responsive. No effort. I felt stable and safe. I came down and shouted: “Please, can I go again?” On that day, I didn’t take the skis off.


I just need those skis!

And how did it end up? For six years I have been rehabilitating on those skis for at least twice a year. The freedom of movement and the trouble-free rides on the mountain slopes are an incredible experience for me. I am pleased that after a week on the slopes I can function at home, as there’s no illness, for at least a few days, despite the fact that my health condition has deteriorated recently.

I rather drive by car, walking makes me a big trouble and today I  even have to use a walking stick. But as my children say:

“Mom, walking is maybe a problem for you, but you’ve mastered your skiing style perfectly.”

I never know, if it’s going to work out next season. This illness doesn’t let you know what’s gonna happen in a year, but I’m always so excited to make it. It’s my rehabilitation, without which I wouldn’t get to my daughter’s prom. That evening was important to me as a mother. I was with my family, and that is the biggest motivation for me to never give up.


Do you know, what’s multiple sclerosis?

It is an auto-aggressive inflammation in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The disease most commonly affects women from 20 to 40 years old. The estimated incidence of disease in the Czech Republic is around 20,000 patients. The cause of the disease is unknown. The goal of treatment is to completely reduce the activity of inflammation and delay permanent disability.